Monday, November 16, 2009

Saving Money on a Small Budget

Welcome Back!

I'm the Motivated Mommy, and today we are going to talk about something we could all use more of, savings! I know what you're thinking, "with the bills piling up, how can I save a dime". But, it's much easier than you think. It just takes a little will power and a lot of creativity.

First Idea- Keep YOUR own CHANGE
The banks charge secret fees on most keep the change programs, and often we end up transferring funs out of savings into our checking account for various reasons. So, here's the solution. Take a plain milk jug and clean it out, and let it dry. Then, paint it so that you can't see the inside. Seeing the money or knowing how much you have might tempt you to spend it. Then, put it where you take off your cloths. When you take your pants off at night, empty your pockets into your new savings jug. Also, when you pay for things, don't use your change. That way you'll have more of it to put in the jug. Little pennies add up fast. I did this for one month and saved $500.00. With that money, I paid off a bill and ended one of my monthly payments! That takes a lot of stress off of me.

Second Idea- Hungry Piggy
We tith to churches. We pay taxes. Why don't we set aside money for ourselves? I have a hungry piggy fee that must be paid with each paycheck. It's simple, I take out 1% of my payback and put it in my piggy bank, and I pay me for working. It's my vacation fund. Who can't live without 1%. You won't even notice a difference in your checks after paying your piggy. It's worth it when you're cruising the Caribbean on the vacation paid by your piggy fees!

Third Idea - Bill yourself!
You pay a fee for electric and water, and you pay for the services you use every month. But, you use your own services and never pay yourself. SLAVORY is illegal in the US! Pay yourself. You deserve to be compensated for cooking food, cleaning your house, and struggling over projects. You deserve rewards. I personally charge myself five dollars a week for my services! I'm probably worth more, but Mr. Budget informed me that five was what we could afford. What can you afford? Even if it's a quarter, you should pay yourself for household chores. But, the key is to put that payment into savings.

Also, label your savings. It's easier to save when you have a goal in mind. Mine usually revolves around trips or things for my daughter. But, I don't dip into it if I know where it's going. For me personally, all the years I tried to keep a general savings, I ended up using it for bills and dumb stuff. Also, not seeing the money (because the jar is painted) encourages you forget it's there and be more creative when problems arise.

Well, this has been the Motivated Mommy, and I'll be back tomorrow with some more fun with finances.

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